Monthly Archives: August 2015

Amateur pron for days!@!

Obesity is as bad for you as we thought::


As we said

3. Make it a priority and a habit or it won’t happen.

4. The knowledge is really simple. The execution is the hard part! You’re swimming upstream against American culture. A lot of your friends and family are probably unhealthy (and thus fat) and don’t care enough to act.

5. Are french fries and bread better than sex? Not for us! If you’re thinking about cookies ask yourself whether your cookie is better than your orgasm. If it is you’re doing something wrong.

Or as Kate Moss says

nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.

Amature sex for you

During the day, part 1! The full version is here

This was our second time, which made it particularly intense. We also experimented with numerous positions, not all of which are depicted here. We aim for the “highlight reel” school of free-range porn, and by that we mean the longer versions have too much of us in them. 

The buttplug really sent C over the edge in this one. If you’re a woman and you haven’t experimented with a buttplug you really need to. 

Here’s an HD download for those of you who want and like the real deal. Should any of you stream it on the new Apple TV (release date Sept. 9) please send us a picture of you doing so. 

Satisfy your desire for amateur sex here!

Bang for the Buck: the Olympus OM-D E-M10 II:

We may get one of these, mostly because it offers 60 fps films and because it’s pretty cheap. As many of you know we like good cheap cameras. We’ve been using an Olympus E-M5, and perhaps the most exciting part of the new camera for many of you will be the reduction in cost of used E-M5s. If you’ve been looking for a very nice cheap camera, that is now an excellent choice. is a reputable seller.